Notes internacionals CIDOB, núm. 9

Notes internacionals CIDOB, núm. 9

A war in Congo? Where’s the news? The dramatic humanitarian situation in the Eastern and North-eastern provinces

  • Publisher:
  • Ejournal:
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Month: February
  • Nº: 9
  • Pages: 5

Over the years, among the most dramatic and most neglected humanitarian crises around the globe, there is always the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the conflict and the violence that have ravaged the country appallingly.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • "A war in Congo? Where's the news?". The dramatic humanitarian situation in the Eastern and North - eastern provinces. Andrea Pontiroli
    • A forgotten crisis
    • The war is over, the war continues: a short history of the conflict
    • North (and South) Kivu: people on the run and the double failure of the international community
    • North-eastern DR Congo: a “new” crisis in the making, another forgotten crisis?
    • Heart of Darkness?
    • References



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