Urban Space: experiences and Reflections from the Global South

Urban Space: experiences and Reflections from the Global South

  • Author: Hernández García, Jaime; Cardenas-O'Byrne, Sabina; Garcia-Jerez, Adolfa; B. Beza, Beau (eds.)
  • Publisher: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • ISBN: 9789585453388
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789585453395
  • Place of publication:  Bogotá , Colombia
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Pages: 404

The structuring of Urban Space is as topical as ever in this era of climate change, hyper-urbanisation, post-digital labour markets, and geo-political power shifts. Scholarship of the contemporary urban condition is dominated by studies and examples drawn from the global north. Yet, cities of the global south are distinctive from those of the global north. Socio-political conditions structure patterns and practices of urban reproduction and, in turn, Urban Space reflects conditions in the Global South. Th­e result is different space related outcomes. Th­is is the central topic of this collection. In this book, a unique collection of case study-based accounts posits both English and Spanish academic literature to interpret and reinterpret the appropriation, negotiation and reconfiguration of Urban Space in cities, from Colombia to Namibia. This collection will be of particular interest to urban scholars and others interested in contemporary urban change, especially those with an interest in the Global South. Readers will encounter new perspectives on the State’s enduring influence in urban land and territory reconfiguration and the contrasting wider rhetoric that affords and legitimises a key role for the private sector. Th­e case studies also illuminate opportunities and possibilities for grassroots organising to challenge prevailing city actor hierarchies. ­They also highlight the political-economic consequences of particular cases of bus rapid transport projects for spatial and social segregation. Across these and other topics, recurring themes of inequality, governance, and environment are investigated in contested urban terrains. Th­e result is a unique collection of viewpoints, with a common, critical narrative on the present and future challenges facing cities of the Global South.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Introduction Jaime, Hernández-García, Sabina Cárdenas-O’Byrne & Adolfo García-Jerez
  • Production, Placemaking and Governance
    • Place? Lugar? Sitio? Framing Place and Placemaking Through Latin American Contexts, Beau B. Beza, Cristina Garduño Freeman, Diego Fullaondo & Glenda Mejía
    • Contemporary Public Space Governance and Management in Urban México. The Case of Xalapa-Veracruz, Mauricio Hernández Bonilla
    • Analysis of a Public Space Policy in Cali, Colombia: Recognizing the Relation Between State, Space and Territory, Sabina Cárdenas-O’Byrne
    • Claiming Greenspace: From Oppositional Practice to Co-Production in Windhoek, Namibia, Nancy Odendaal
    • Placemaking in a World Where Spirituality and Community Development Meet – The Junbesi Valley, Nepal, Beau B. Beza
  • Spatial Practices, Mobilities and Transportation
    • Bus Rapid Transit and the Transformation of the Urban Space in Bogotá and Ahmedabad, C. Erik Vergel-Tovar
    • Mass Transit, Social Inequalities and BRT-Driven (Im)Mobilities in Barranquilla, Colombia, Julio D. Dávila & Daniel Oviedo
    • Adjusting Infrastructures and Bodies: Finding a Way for Disabled People into Santiago’s Public Transport System, Daniel Muñoz
    • Urban Space and Daily Mobility in the Middle-Class Neighbourhoods in Cali: Is it Really a Resilient Model?, Adolfo García-Jerez
    • Sustainable Urban Mobility Policy and the Lived Experiences of Cycling in Quito, Ecuador, Julie Gamble
  • Appropriation, Practices and Meanings
    • Untangling the Vitality of Public Spaces of Bogotá’s Informal Settlements, Jaime Hernández-García & Juan G. Yunda
    • Managing Public Spaces for All? Use and Appropriation in Two Public Urban Spaces in Medellín, Colombia, Eva Schawb
    • Graphic Inscriptions and the Production of Urban Public Space in Valparaíso, Chile, Luis Campos Medina
    • An Exploration of Spatial Appropriation in a Series of Informal Settlements in Bangkok, Thailand, Megan Waller
    • Street Appropriation and Community Cultural Identity in Bali, Indonesia, Antonius Karel Muktiwibowo
  • Challenges and Opportunities from the South, Beau B. Beza
  • Editors
  • Contributors


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