Roman Catholicism in the United States

Roman Catholicism in the United States

A Thematic History

  • Author: McGuinness, Margaret M.; Fisher, James T.; Burns, Jeffrey M.; Domenico, Roy; Cadegan, Una; Shannon, Christopher S.; McCartin, James; Gillis, Chester; Allitt, Patrick; Matovina, Timothy; Marlett, Jeffrey; Carbonneau, Robert; Smith, Anthony; Moore, Cec
  • Publisher: Fordham University Press
  • Serie: Catholic Practice in North America
  • ISBN: 9780823282777
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780823282784
  • eISBN Epub: 9780823282753
  • Place of publication:  New York , United States
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Year of digital publication: 2019
  • Month: February
  • Language: English

Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History takes the reader beyond the traditional ways scholars have viewed and recounted the story of the Catholic Church in America. The collection covers unfamiliar topics such as anti-Catholicism, rural Catholicism, Latino Catholics, and issues related to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the U.S. government. The book continues with fascinating discussions on popular culture (film and literature), women religious, and the work of U.S. missionaries in other countries. The final section of the books is devoted to Catholic social teaching, tackling challenging and sometimes controversial subjects such as the relationship between African American Catholics and the Communist Party, Catholics in the civil rights movement, the abortion debate, issues of war and peace, and Vatican II and the American Catholic Church.

Roman Catholicism in the United States examines the history of U.S. Catholicism from a variety of perspectives that transcend the familiar account of the immigrant, urban parish, which served as the focus for so many American Catholics during the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries.

  • Cover
  • Roman Catholicism in the United States
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Introduction: Writing American Catholic History
  • Part I. Beyond the Parish
    • 1. Ambiguous Welcome: The Protestant Response to American Catholics
    • 2. Latino Catholics in the Southwest
    • 3. Left Coast Catholicism: The Tradition of Dissent in the California Church
    • 4. Strangers in Our Midst: Catholics in Rural America
    • 5. “An Embassy to a Golf Course?” Conundrums on the Road to the United States’ Diplomatic Representation to the Holy See, 1784–1984
  • Part II. Engaging the World
    • 6. American and Catholic and Literature: What Cultural History Helps Reveal
    • 7. Gospel Zeal: Missionary Citizens Overseas and Armchair Missionaries at Home; American Catholic Missions in China, 1900–1989
    • 8. Northern Settlement Houses and Southern Welfare Centers: The Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine, 1910–1971
    • 9. Pulp Catholicism: Catholics in American Popular Film
  • Part III. Prophetic Catholicism
    • 10. American Catholic Social Thought in the Twentieth Century
    • 11. Catholics, Communism, and African Americans
    • 12. Praying in the Public Square: Catholic Piety Meets Civil Rights, War, and Abortion
    • 13. The Resurrection Project of Mexican Catholic Chicago: Spiritual Activism and Liberating Praxis
    • 14. The Church and American Catholics
  • Epilogue
  • List of Contributors


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