A Taste for Brown Sugar

A Taste for Brown Sugar

Black Women in Pornography

  • Author: Miller-Young, Mireille
  • Publisher: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822358145
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822375913
  • Place of publication:  Durham , United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2014
  • Month: December
  • Pages: 392
  • Language: English
A Taste for Brown Sugar boldly takes on representations of black women's sexuality in the porn industry. It is based on Mireille Miller-Young's extensive archival research and her interviews with dozens of women who have worked in the adult entertainment industry since the 1980s. The women share their thoughts about desire and eroticism, black women's sexuality and representation, and ambition and the need to make ends meet. Miller-Young documents their interventions into the complicated history of black women's sexuality, looking at individual choices, however small—a costume, a gesture, an improvised line—as small acts of resistance, of what she calls "illicit eroticism." Building on the work of other black feminist theorists, and contributing to the field of sex work studies, she seeks to expand discussion of black women's sexuality to include their eroticism and desires, as well as their participation and representation in the adult entertainment industry. Miller-Young wants the voices of black women sex workers heard, and the decisions they make, albeit often within material and industrial constraints, recognized as their own.
  • Contents
  • Preface. Confessions of a Black Feminist Academic Pornographer
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction. Brown Sugar: Theorizing Black Women’s Sexual Labor in Pornography
  • 1. Sepia Sex Scenes: Spectacles of Difference in Race Porn
  • 2. Sexy Soul Sisters: Black Women in the Golden Era
  • 3. Black Chicks: Marketing Black Women in the Video Era
  • 4. Ho Theory: Black Female Sexuality at the Convergence of Hip Hop and Pornography
  • 5. (Black) Porn Star: Aspirations and Realities in Porn Work
  • 6. Behind the Scenes: Confronting Disempowerment and Creating Change in Black Women’s Porn Work
  • Epilogue. Behind the Camera: Black Women’s Illicit Erotic Interventions
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index



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