Where Are All the Young Men and Women of Color?

Where Are All the Young Men and Women of Color?

Capacity Enhancement Practice in the Criminal Justice System

  • Author: Delgado, Melvin
  • Publisher: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231120401
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231529389
  • Place of publication:  New York , United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2001
  • Month: September
  • Language: English
When it comes to social work practice in community outreach programs, in juvenile detention centres, in prisons, in parole and probation programs, and in the inner cities, Melvin Delgado asks the question: Where are all the young men and women of color? Although many urban residents, especially persons of color, are or have been involved in the juvenile and/or criminal justice system, the topic of criminal offenders and ex-offenders has been much neglected by the human services literature. This book stands as the only work to discuss correctional supervision and the needs of individuals in a nonprescriptive manner, marking a shift toward a capacity enhancement, or strengths perspective, approach— specifically what are the strengths of individuals and how can they capitalize on them? Delgado includes a section of reflections from the field that applies capacity enhancement principles and methods to case studies.
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Part 1. Setting the Stage
    • 1. Setting the Context
    • 2. Incarceration Profiles and Trends
    • 3. Substance Abuse and Incarceration
    • 4. The Impact of Correctional Supervision: A Multifaceted Perspective
  • Part 2. Capacity Enhancement Concepts and Practice
    • 5. Capacity Enhancement Practice: Key Concepts, Principles, and Goals
    • 6. A Framework for Capacity Enhancement Practice with the Correctionally Supervised
  • Part 3. Reflections from the Field
    • 7. Case Study Method
    • 8. AIDS Counseling Education, Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, New York
    • 9. Reading Academy, Maryland
    • 10. Experimental Gallery, Children's Museum, Seattle, Washington
    • 11. Delancey Street, San Francisco, California
    • 12. People Animals Love, Washington, D.C.
    • 13. Summit House, Greensboro, North Carolina
    • 14. Moving Ahead Program, St. Francis House, Boston
    • 15. Women's Prison Association, New York City
    • 16. Bliss Unlimited, Glendale, California
    • 17. The Program for Female Offenders, Pittsburgh, PA
    • 18. Reflections on Case Studies
  • Part 4. Lessons, Recommendations, and Reflections
    • 19. Lessons for Social Work Practice
    • 20. Lessons for Social Work Education
  • Appendix
  • References
  • Subject Index
  • Name Index



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