Patakines and fondation of Ifá

Patakines and fondation of Ifá

The present volume begins this way, which submerges us in that universe of traditions bearing an invaluable testimonial value, repositories of solid documental support (they have been extracted from books of Ifá), where the reader will be able to find wisdom, depth ideas, useful advice, interpretation of the ancestral issue; a very peculiar philosophy of life; the discovery of a substantial and rich African custom, which is the le-gacy of the Cuban culture and, also, the review that many of the deities of such a religion wanted to bequeath us through their earthly links and their connections, here, in the earth.

  • Introductory Note
  • Story of the coconuts
  • The snake
  • Okana
  • Baracoyí and Okuní
  • Why the rooster is killed
  • Story of the goat of Obatalá
  • Story of Oggún and Ochosi
  • The daughter of the King
  • The meal of Obatalá
  • Oddí: sun, water and earth
  • Why Elegguá is a prince
  • Where the male goat is sacrificed for the first time
  • The agreement between Orishaoko and Olofi
  • Story of Obe Tumatún
  • Walls have ears
  • Why Orula eats hens
  • When Olofi wanted to leave the earth
  • Olofi and the children
  • The lion, king of the jungle
  • The head without body
  • The reception of Olofi
  • The deal between the earth and death
  • The day and his rival, the night
  • When the body was tired of carrying the head
  • The red rose
  • The hourglass, the day andthe night were born
  • When Eshu taught Orula to use the adivination oracle
  • The buzzard is sacred and the ceiba tree is divine
  • Oyá, the mistress of cemeteries
  • The lion and men
  • When Odduduwa gained the confidence of Olofi
  • The mistake of Shangó and Oshún of living with their families
  • Curiosity is punished
  • The head of mud
  • When Shangó had to recognize Orishaoko
  • When the crab killed the snake
  • When Oshún got sick
  • When Orishaoko married Olokun
  • Oshún, apetebi of Orula
  • Where the impossible things are solved
  • The betrayal of the male goat to the dog
  • The scorpion
  • When Oshún ate hens for first time
  • The doves
  • The war between the horse and the bread fruit
  • The read legs
  • The poisoned fruit
  • Why Oshún eats capon goat
  • The goat breaking a drum, pay with his skin
  • The youngest babalawo, predicted
  • The complete things
  • The three branch sticks
  • Where two-faced Eshu Ni Elegba was born
  • When the father forgave his son
  • The liar became king
  • The way of the dog
  • When the sacrifice of animals started
  • Why Elegba doesn't eat big goats
  • Orula always does something for women
  • Where the chain of the monkey comes into live and piglets are roasted
  • When the body gets uncontrolable
  • Where Obbá destested the humankind and got into the wood
  • Shangó gave back the joy to Olofi
  • The envy was his guide
  • When Olofi gave Orula the world to rule it
  • The secret of the eternal life
  • The salesman of tools
  • When the writing came into the world
  • When the world knew the fish
  • The debt of the red roosters of Shangó
  • The scandalous neighbors of Obatalá
  • The appeasement of Shangó
  • The horse and the wild boar
  • The greedy dog
  • When Obatalá ate without salt
  • Don't leave the children in other people's care
  • The stevedore and Obatalá
  • When the poplar saved Shangó
  • Why the Iyawó goes to the river and picks a stone up there
  • The three wishes of the blacksmith
  • The incredulous woman
  • The general of the king
  • The creation of the family
  • The son of the one-eyed bird
  • Shangó transfered his town government to Orula
  • The heads of the rivers
  • When it was born the first time that the woman had her period
  • The scream of the hyena was born
  • The disobedient man
  • If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it
  • The sparrow, the bull and the cow
  • The intelligence of the little bird
  • The merchant and the parrot
  • The arrogant king
  • The good-hearted merchant
  • Be patient
  • The society of the three friends
  • The allotment of the positions that made Olofi in the earth
  • The carrier pigeon
  • The hair and the meat
  • Who is called Rosario?
  • The way of the fisherman
  • The scaffold
  • Why people put shoes on
  • The spring and the flowers
  • Where Obatalá abandoned his children
  • It is born to write the patakines of Ifá
  • The way of the gray hairs
  • Death Abanlá, the jackal
  • The chameleon and the son of Olofi
  • The marriage was born
  • The person's conscience
  • It was born the trap and the lie
  • It is born the mislead of the sight and the clouds
  • The blacksmith and the belows
  • The lesson of Oggún
  • The depraved daughters of Obatalá
  • The machete
  • The ox and the dog
  • Why the hen pecks up
  • When the mouth killed the head
  • The way of the two soldiers
  • The fisherman's luck
  • The captive bird
  • The lazy dog
  • How the cockroach continued ruling
  • Oggún, the faithful servant
  • Oshún eats with Orula
  • Aggayú and Odduduwa
  • When Yemayá began to consult people
  • The mosquito, the flea and the boa
  • The cotton harvester
  • The electric bulb was born
  • The despised man
  • The rabbit, the dog and the worm
  • The birth of the aguardiente
  • The way of the dragons
  • Oshún saved Olofi's sons
  • The salesman of gandingas
  • Oshún and Orula
  • The buzzard and her enemies
  • Shangó gave up his responsibility
  • The cooking art was born
  • Obatalá took over the heads
  • The chameleon and the dog
  • Elegba achieves what he sets out to do
  • When the good things lived with the bad ones
  • Orula becomes rich
  • The disobedient fisherman
  • The balcony and the window
  • Why the dog and the cat are enemies
  • The white elephant
  • The donkey and the tiger
  • Bad son, bad father, bad husband and bad friend
  • Once a year, it happens
  • The indiscreet rooster
  • The crown of the rooster
  • The criminal and the princess
  • The careless hen
  • Shangó, the baker
  • Blood is thicker than water
  • The war between the bees and the wasps
  • How Shangó and Yemayá survived
  • You can neither protest nor to renounce
  • If you don't advertise your merchandise, you won't sell them
  • The goose that lays the golden eggs
  • Aggayú, the king
  • The appearances can be deceptive
  • The melon
  • The cricket
  • Orula advises Obatalá
  • The faithful dog
  • The father's respect for the son
  • The thief of fruits
  • The woodpecker
  • The clean kingdom
  • The infection of leprosy
  • Obatalá changed the white clothes for the black ones
  • The son never scratches the father
  • The bee and the woodworm
  • The feather of the parrot
  • Put the blame on the Cuban blackbird
  • The great sacrifice of love
  • The bee and the wasp
  • (The bad advice)
  • Obatalá and the breeding of rabbits
  • The well and the plum tree
  • The damselfly and the tarantula
  • When Oshún lived satisfied with Eshu, Oggún and Orula
  • When Elegba became a one-eyed man
  • The fish born in the river grows up at sea and returns to the river to die
  • When Oggún and Osain asked for forgiveness to Olokun
  • The boy and the fierce animal
  • Why the goose is white
  • Story of the two hutias
  • It was born the respect among Shangó, Oyá and Oggún
  • When Oyá lived a life of sexual licentiousness
  • When the rooster laughed at the ferret
  • The buzzard and the hawk
  • The young hunter and the old one, the doubt of the moral
  • The violent wise man
  • Olofi blessed the duck
  • The ram and the dog
  • Yemayá discredits Orula
  • Obatalá and their kettledrum
  • When Shangó lived with Oyá
  • Oggún couldn't carried out the command of Olofi
  • When Ochosi was named king
  • The birth, in the blood, of the red globules
  • Where the pigeon got Shangó sick
  • The cotton and the birds
  • The horse
  • The secret of the war between Oshún and Obá
  • The turtle and the deer
  • The poor man, the clay large jar and the farmer
  • The tiger could not eat up the male goat (brain is better than brawn)
  • The incredulous man
  • Orula and Oshún eat together
  • The way of the rainbow
  • The way of the two women
  • The giant lion and the red parakeet
  • The birds govern one year
  • The much you have, the much you worth
  • The song of the frogs
  • The disobedience of the butterfly
  • Olofi's granary
  • The bat
  • When the owl was crowned queen
  • The chair
  • The abortion and the menstruation
  • The mouse, the bear's enemy
  • The curse and the butterfly
  • The talkative bird
  • Talking too much can be dangerous
  • The hand fingers were born
  • Shangó stole from Olofi
  • The war between the flies and the spiders
  • The old man and the outlaws
  • Orula's word never falls on the ground
  • The blind man and the lame one
  • For being a miserable and niggardly person, he lost everything
  • The coin bank was born
  • The way of the orangutans
  • The crab and his head
  • The intelligence wins
  • Here it was where the Ibeyis defeated the Devil
  • It is missing strength to support the body
  • Why Osain has a nasal voice
  • The birth of the knife edge
  • When the mosquito was king
  • The black pearl
  • When Oggún and Ochosi seduced Shangó's woman
  • The peacock's colors
  • The human beings's sacrifice was over
  • Why the trees can't be pruned every year
  • The goose's punishment
  • Why some oranges are sour and another ones sweet
  • Why the ground acquires the power
  • What the land gives us is eaten by her
  • The ants help Orula
  • Shangó gets rid of an impostor
  • The eggplant, the okra and the tomato
  • How Orula saved her harvests
  • Losing is winning
  • Cursing the toad
  • The cuban female grassquit's love
  • Due to the turtle the world got exchange brains
  • The more you talk, the more mistakes you'll make
  • The disputes between Shangó and Obatalá
  • The nocturnal butterfly
  • The dispute between the sun and the wind
  • Be yourself
  • The cardinal bird
  • The leprosy contagion was born
  • Glossary


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