The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XII

The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XII

The Caribbean Diaspora, 1920-1921

  • Auteur: Garvey, Marcus; Dixon, John; Rodriguez, Mariela Haro; Yuen, Anthony; Hill, Robert A.
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822357377
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822376187
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2014
  • Mois : Septembre
  • Pages: 472
  • Langue: Anglais
Volume XII of the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers covers a period of twelve months, from the opening of the UNIA's historic first international convention in New York, in August 1920, to Marcus Garvey's return to the United States in July 1921 after an extended tour of Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Costa Rica, and Belize. In many ways the 1920 convention marked the high-point of the Garvey movement in the United States, while Garvey's tour of the Caribbean, in the winter and spring of 1921, registered the greatest outpouring of popular support for the UNIA in its history. The period covered in the present volume was the moment of the movement's political apotheosis, as well as the moment when the finances of Garvey's Black Star Line went into free ­fall.

Volume XII highlights the centrality of the Caribbean people not only to the convention, but also to the movement. The reports to the convention discussed the range of social and economic conditions obtaining in the Caribbean, particularly their impact on racial conditions. The quality of the discussions and debates were impressive. Contained in these reports are some of the earliest and most clearly enunciated statements in defense of social and political freedom in the Caribbean. These documents form an underappreciated and still underutilized record of the political awakening of Caribbean people of African descent.
  • Contents
  • Illustrations
  • Maps
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • History of the Edition
  • Editorial Principles and Practices
  • Textual Devices
  • Symbols and Abbreviations
    • Repository Symbols
    • Manuscript Collection Symbols
    • Descriptive Symbols
    • Abbreviations of Published Works
    • Other Symbols and Abbreviations
  • Chronology
  • The Papers
    • 1920
      • 3 August. UNIA Convention Report
      • 3 August. Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
      • 4 August. Richard S. Barrett to Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police
      • 4 August. UNIA Convention Report
      • 10 August. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • 3 August. Lieutenant-Corporal James Jones, Detective, Barbados Police, to Captain J. R. Anderson, Inspector, Barbados Police
        • 1 August. UNIA Concert Program
      • 13 August. UNIA Declaration of Rights
      • 14 August. Article in the Negro World
      • 19 August. Herbert J. Read, Assistant Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office
        • 10 May. Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 19 August. Edward M. Merewether, Governor, Leeward Islands, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • 3 July. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Bell, Chief Inspector, Leeward Islands Police, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • ca. 3 July. Notes on Meetings of the Antigua Ulotrichian Universal Union Friendly Society
        • 5 August. Robert Walter, Administrator, Dominica, to Edward M. Merewether, Governor, Leeward Islands
        • ca. August. Report on the UNIA in Dominica by John Skirving, Inspector, Leeward Island Police
        • 9 August. John Alder Burdon, Administrator, St. Kitts-Nevis, to Edward M. Merewether, Governor, Leeward Islands
      • 21 August. Article in the Negro World
      • ca. 21 August. “I. Ho Ch’uan” to the Barbados Times
      • ca. 21 August. Editorial in the Barbados Times
      • ca. 21 August. Editorial in the Barbados Times
      • 23 August. Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
      • 24 August. Captain Norman Randolph, Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence, Panama Canal Zone, to the Director, U.S. Military Intelligence Division
      • 25 August. John A. C. Tilley for Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Secretary of State, Foreign Office, to Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States
      • 28 August. Cecil E. A. Rawle to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • ca. 28 August. Editorial in the Barbados Times
      • ca. 28 August. Article in the West Indian
      • ca. 28 August. Poem by Daniel Henderson in the Negro World
      • ca. 11 September. E. S. Jones to the Negro World
      • 11 September. Article in the Negro World
      • 15 September. Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States, to Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
      • 15 September. Draft Circular Letter from Robert Leslie Craigie, British Embassy, to C. Braithwaite Wallis, British Consul General, New Orleans
      • 16 September. Article in the Crusader
      • 16 September. Article in the Crusader
      • 25 September. George Tobias, Treasurer, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 28 September. Acting British Consul, Galveston, to Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States
      • 28 September. Sergeant-Major Henry James Geen, Leeward Islands Police, to Major W. E. Wilders, Inspector, Leeward Islands Police
      • 29 September. J. R. Ralph Casimir to Marcus Garvey
      • 30 September. Acting British Consul, Savannah, to Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States
      • 1 October. Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 5 October. Gilbert E. A. Grindle, Assistant Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office
      • 8 October. Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 8 October. George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 9 October. “Afro-American” to the Workman
      • 11 October. Harry Gloster Armstrong, British Consul General, New York, to Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States
        • 11 October. Harry Gloster Armstrong, British Consul General, New York, to Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras
      • 12 October. British Consul, St. Louis, Missouri, to Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States
        • 12 October. Memorandum from the British Consul, St. Louis
      • 16 October. Joseph Matthew Sebastian to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • ca. 23 October. Article in the Negro World
      • 23 October. Article in the Negro World
      • 26 October. Maurice Peterson, British Embassy, Washington D.C., to Harry Gloster Armstrong, British Consul General, New York
      • October. Excerpt from British Cabinet Report
      • October. V. P. M. Langton in the Crusader
      • 2 November. General James Willcocks, Governor, Bermuda, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • 18 October. Edward D. Robinson, Presiding Elder, A.M.E. Churches, Bermuda, to the Colonial Secretary, Bermuda
      • 6 November. John Sydney de Bourg to Osiris de Bourg
      • 10 November. J. R. Ralph Casimir to George Tobias, Treasurer, Black Star Line
      • 13 November. Samuel Ethan King, Secretary, UNIA St. Lucia Division, to the Voice of St. Lucia
      • 25 November. Article in the Crusader
      • 27 November. H. E. W. Grant, Officer Administering the Government, The Bahamas, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 27 November. “An Observer” to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 30 November. John R. Chancellor, Governor, Trinidad, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 4 December. Receipt for Payment made by the UNIA Dominica Division
      • 11 December. George Tobias, Treasurer, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 16 December. H. N. Huggins, President, St. Vincent UNIA Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 30 December. Edgar Bridgewater, Reporting Secretary, UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division, in the Negro World
    • 1921
      • 6 January. Charles Roberts, et al., UNIA Bridgetown Division, to the Negro World
      • 15 January. John F. Laviest to the Negro World
      • 15 January. Harold A. Collins, Executive Secretary, UNIA Banes Division, to the Negro World
      • 26 January. Telegram from General James Willcocks, Governor, Bermuda, to Viscount Milner,Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 1 February. Ephraim J. Désir, Associate Secretary, St. Lucia UNIA Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 7 February. P. Premdas, Chief, Correspondence Department, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 14 February. Louis I. Zachavos to the Negro World
      • 19 February. P. Premdas, Chief, Correspondence Department, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 19 February. J. R. Ralph Casimir to Francis Louis Gardier
      • 22 February. Eldica Griffith, Bridgetown UNIA Division, to the Negro World
      • 4 March. Article in Heraldo de Cuba
      • ca. 6 March. Article in the Negro World
      • 11 March 1921. Report by Leon Howe, Agent, Bureau of Investigation
      • 16 March. A. Z. M. to the Voice of St. Lucia
      • ca. 18 March. George Scott Anderson, Executive Secretary, UNIA Marcane Division, to the Negro World
      • ca. 19 March. R. Hodge to the Negro World
      • 24 March. “A Bermudian” to the Negro World
      • ca. 26 March. E. H. Hope Williams, General Secretary, UNIA Jobabo, Cuba, Division, in the Negro World
      • ca. 26 March. Percy Bryan to the Negro World
      • 28 March. Article in the Negro World
      • 29 March. Memorandum by Guy Johannes, Chief, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division
      • 2 April. Article in the Workman
      • 7 April. Filogenes Maillard to the Negro World
      • 9 April. Article in the Workman
      • 11 April. Charles L. Latham, U.S. Consul, Jamaica, to Chief Quarantine Officer, Panama Canal Zone
      • 12 April. Telegram to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 13 April. P. Premdas, Chief, Correspondence Department, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 15 April. Telegram from Walter C. Thurston, Secretary, U.S. Embassy, Costa Rica, to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 15 April. “An Observer” to the Negro World
      • 16 April. Report on Costa Rica
      • 16 April. Article in the Negro World
      • ca. 16 April. Alfred B. Rawlins to the Negro World
      • ca. 16 April. John Sydney De Bourg to the Negro World
      • ca. 16 April. O. Louis Sherwood, General Secretary, UNIA Guantánamo Division, in the Negro World
      • 16 April. Excerpt from the 1920 Annual Report of the Moravian Mission Province, Nicaragua, Central America, by Guido Grossman
      • 16 April. Robert S. F. Blake to the Negro World
      • 16 April. Article in the Negro World
      • 17 April. George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company, to H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
      • 18 April. Article in the Negro World
      • 18 April. Article in the Negro World
      • 19 April. Telegram from Walter C. Thurston, Secreatary, U.S. Embassy, Costa Rica, to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 19 April. Article in Diario de Costa Rica
      • 20 April. Article in Diario de Costa Rica
      • 20 April. George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Division, to H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
      • 20 April. Article in the Daily Chronicle
      • 21 April. Article in Jueves [Mexico]
      • 22 April. George P. Chittenden, General Manger, United Fruit Company, to Victor M. Cutter,Vice President, United Fruit Company
      • ca. 23 April. Mabel M. Douglas to the Negro World
      • 23 April. Article in the Negro World
      • ca. 23 April. Nathaniel Ricketts to the Daily Gleaner
      • 26 April. Article in Diario de Costa Rica
      • 26 April. H. S. Blair, Division Manager, 2to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company
      • 26 April. Article in the Daily Gleaner
      • 28 April. United Fruit Company Report
      • 29–30 April. Lieutenant-Commander C. M. Hall to Rear Admiral Marbury Johnston
      • ca. 30 April. Article in the Negro World
      • 2 May. Walter C. Thurston, Secretary, U.S. Embassy, Costa Rica, to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 4 May. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
      • 4 May. Edward C. A. Philip, General Secretary, UNIA Guaico, Trinidad Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 4 May. Letter to the Panama Star and Herald
      • 4 May. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
      • 7 May. Major Norman Randolph to the Director, Military Intelligence Division
      • 7 May. Article in the Negro World
      • 11 May. Marcus Garvey to the Daily Gleaner
      • 11 May A. Percy Bennett, British Legation, San José, to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
        • 9 May. F. Gordon, British Consul, Port Limón, to A. Percy Bennett, British Legation, San José
      • 18 May. Article in the Voice of St. Lucia
      • 20 May. H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 20 May. James Benjamin Yearwood, Assistant Secretary General, UNIA, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 24 May. D. Erastus Thorpe, President, UNIA Tela Division, to the Negro World
      • 28 May. “Neutral” to the Workman
      • 30 May. Article in the Daily Gleaner
      • 1 June. D. Erastus Thorpe, President, UNIA Tela Division, to the Daily Gleaner
      • 4 June. C. H. Calhoun, Chief, Division of Civil Affairs, Panama Canal Zone, to the Chief Customs Inspector, Cristobal
      • 4 June. Article in the Workman
      • 5 June. W. Cooper, Secretary, UNIA St. Thomas Division, to the Negro World
      • 7 June. W. L. Hurley. Office of the Under Secretary, U.S. Department of State, to J. Edgar Hoover, Special Assistant to the U.S. Attorney General
        • 18 May. William Jennings Price, U.S. Minister, Panama, to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
        • 18 May. Confidential Memorandum by Captain Guy Johannes, Chief, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division
        • 11 May. Confidential Memorandum by Captain Guy Johannes, Chief, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division
        • 28 April. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
        • 30 April. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
        • 26 April. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
        • 6 May. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
      • 7 June. Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 7 June. Military Intelligence Report
      • ca. 14 June. Article in the Panama Star and Herald
      • 15 June. Suscilla A. Cream, Lady President, UNIA Colón Division, to the Negro World
      • ca. 18 June. Malcolm Anderson, Acting Secretary, UNIA San José, Costa Rica Division, in the Negro World
      • 20 June. Farewell Address by Francis Louis Gardier, et al., UNIA Dominica Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 21 June. John H. Smith, Acting Executive Secretary, Executive Department, Panama Canal Zone, to A. L. Flint, Chief of Office, Panama Canal Company
      • ca. 25 June. Claribert L. Watks. to the Negro World
      • ca. 25 June. Solomon J. E. St. Rose to the Workman
      • 25 June. R. G. Blackett to the Negro World
      • 27 June. P. Premdas, Acting Assistant Secretary, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 28 June. Robert S. F. Blake, Chaplain, UNIA Banes Division, to the Negro World
      • 29 June. Report by Leon E. Howe, Agent, Bureau of Investigation
      • 1 July. Jabez L. Clarke, General Secretary, UNIA Havana Division, to the Negro World
      • 2 July. Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras, to Leslie Probyn, Governor, Jamaica
      • 2 July. Article in the Miami Herald
      • 3 July. Article in the Miami Herald
      • 4 July. Cecil Clementi, Officer Administrating the Government, British Guiana, to Leslie Probyn, Governor, Jamaica
      • ca. 4 July. Telford H. Williams, Assistant Secretary, UNIA Niquero Division, Cuba, in the Negro World
      • 5 July. W. J. H. Taylor, British Vice-consul, Key West, Florida, to Tom Ffennell Carlisle, British Consul, New Orleans
      • 5 July. Article in the Miami Herald
      • 5 July. Article in the Miami Herald
      • 6 July. Article in the Miami Herald
      • 6 July. Article in the Miami Herald
      • 6 July. Report by Bureau of Investigation Agent Leon E. Howe
      • 7 July. “E. A. L.” in the Clarion
      • 7 July. “E. A. L.” in the Clarion
      • 8 July. Report by Bureau of Investigation Agent Leon E. Howe
      • ca. 9 July. Christian Alexander Frederick to the Negro World
      • ca. 9 July. St. Philip’s Notes in the Georgetown Tribune
      • ca. 9 July. Jonas Thompson to the Workman
      • 13 July. C. J. Whebell, Acting Commandant, Bahamas Police, to H. E. W. Grant, Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
      • 14 July. General Secretary, UNIA Brother’s Road Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 14 July. Lieutenant-Corporal Frank D. Kelly, Bahamas, to C. J. Whebell, Acting Commandant, Bahamas Police
      • ca. 16 July. Henry O. Mattos to the Negro World
      • 20 July. A. J. Kershaw, Former Financial Secretary, UNIA Key West Division, to the Negro World
      • 20 July. Z. A. Cunningham to the Negro World
      • 20 July. Speech by Marcus Garvey
      • 22 July. J. A. Sergeant, President, UNIA Penal Division, Trinidad, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 26 July. Article in the Negro World
  • Index



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