The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XIII

The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XIII

The Caribbean Diaspora, 1921-1922, Volume 13

  • Auteur: Garvey, Marcus; Hill, Robert A.; Dixon, John; Rodriguez, Mariela Haro; Yuen, Anthony
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822361169
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822374282
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2016
  • Mois : Avril
  • Pages: 472
  • Langue: Anglais
Volume XIII of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers covers the twelve months between the UNIA's second international convention in New York in August 1921 and the third convention in August 1922. It was a particularly tumultuous time for Garvey and the UNIA: Garvey’s relationship with the UNIA's top leadership began to fracture, the U.S. federal government charged Garvey with mail fraud, and his Black Star Line operation suffered massive financial losses. This period also witnessed a marked shift in Garvey's rhetoric and stance, as he retreated from his previously radical anticolonial positions, sought to court European governments as well as the leadership of the Ku Klux Klan, and moved against his political rivals.
Despite these difficult and uncertain times, Garveyism expanded its reach throughout the Caribbean archipelago, which, as Volume XIII confirms, became the UNIA's de facto home in the early 1920s. The volume's numerous reports from the UNIA's Caribbean divisions and chapters describe what it was like for UNIA activists living and working under extremely repressive circumstances. The volume's major highlight covers the U.S. military's crackdown on the UNIA in the Dominican Republic, as documented in the correspondence between John Sydney de Bourg—whom Garvey had dispatched to monitor the situation—and U.S. and British government officials.
In addition to UNIA divisional reports and de Bourg's extensive correspondence, Volume XIII contains a wealth of newspaper articles, political tracts, official documents, and other sources that outline the complex responses to Garveyism throughout the United States, the Caribbean, and Europe, all the while documenting this watershed moment for Garvey and the UNIA.
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contributing Scholars
  • Contents
  • Illustrations
  • Maps
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • History of the Edition
  • Editorial Principles and Practices
  • Textual Devices
  • Symbols and Abbreviations
    • Repository Symbols
    • Manuscript Collection Symbols
    • Descriptive Symbols
    • Abbreviations of Published Works
    • Other Symbols and Abbreviations
  • Chronology
  • The Papers
    • 1921
      • ca. 6 August “100% Negro” to the Negro World
      • ca. 6 August Article in the Negro World
      • 7 August Henry O. Mattos to the Negro World
      • 7 August Percival C. James, General Secretary, UNIA Céspedes Division, to the Negro World
      • 8 August Arthur Geo. Burkley to Osiris de Bourg
      • 10 August N. C. Frederick et al., UNIA Majuba La Brea Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 11 August Alonza Lynch, General Secretary, UNIA Cristóbal Division, to the Negro World
      • 12 August Reprint of Dominica Guardian Article
      • 12 August Jabez L. Clarke, General Secretary, UNIA Havana Division, to William H. Ferris, Literary Editor, Negro World
      • 13 August Article in the Workman
      • 15 August Circular Letter from Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 18 August J. C. Wyke et al., UNIA Dominica División, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 18 August John H. Pilgrim, Secretary, UNIA Colón Division, to the Negro World
      • 18 August James Fraser, Secretary, UNIA Santa Marta Division, to Fred A. Toote
      • ca. 20 August I. S. Lahoodie to the Negro World
      • ca. 20 August J. A. H. Thorpe to the Negro World
      • 20 August Article in the Workman
      • 26 August Gilbert E. A. Grindle, Assistant Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office
        • 4 August Samuel Augustus Richards to the King of England
      • 27 August “Iconoclast” to the Workman
      • 31 August Richard A. Bennett to Wiliam H. Ferris, Literary Editor, Negro World
      • 2 September F. A. Ogilvie to the Negro World
      • 3 September “An Onlooker” to the Negro World
      • 3 September Reverend Joseph U. Osborne, Executive Secretary, UNIA Puerto Padre Division, to the Negro World
      • 3 September Editorial in the Workman
      • 3 September Memorandum from Major G. M. Kincade, Provost Marshal, San Pedro de Macorís, to the Chief of Municipal Police, San Pedro de Macorís
      • 5 September Thomas Duruo, et al., to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 7 September UNIA and ACL Santo Domingo Division to the Crusader
      • 9 September J. R. Ralph Casimir in the Negro World
      • 10 September “Iconoclast” to the Workman
      • ca. 10 September James Benjamin Yearwood, Assistant Secretary General, UNIA, to H. R. P. George in the Workman
      • 15 September Fernando Escobar, Royal Consulate of the Netherlands, Dominican Republic, to Lieutenant-Colonel F. A. Ramsey, Officer in Charge, Department of Justice and Public Instruction
        • 12 September James Cooks to Fernando Escobar
      • 16 September J. R. Ralph Casimir in the Crusader
      • 18 September E. Brice, British Consul, Santiago de Cuba, to the Municipal Mayor, Santiago de Cuba
      • 19 September Fred A. Toote, Secretary General, UNIA, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 21 September C. A. Reid to the Workman
      • 23 September Harold D. Clum, U.S. Consul, Santiago de Cuba, to John R. Putnam, U.S. Consul, Havana
      • 24 September Luis G. Guzmán, Permanent Secretary, Industria Lodge No. 3551, to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 24 September “A Genuine Friend of the Negro Race” to the Workman
      • 26 September Alfred Dunbavin, et al., to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 26 September P. Premdas, Acting Assistant Secretary, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 28 September Robert S. F. Blake, Chaplain, UNIA Banes Division, to William H. Ferris, Literary Editor, Negro World
      • 29 September Philander L. Cable, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, Havana, to Guillermo Patterson, Subsecretary of State, Cuba
      • 30 September Eduardo V. Morales, UNIA Commissioner to Cuba, to William H. Ferris, Literary Editor, Negro World
      • 30 September Philander L. Cable, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, Havana, to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 30 September Rowland Sperling, Assistant Secretary, Foreign Office, to Auckland C. Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States
        • 26 September Gilbert E. A. Grindle, Assistant Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office
        • 14 July Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras, to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • 2 July Report by H. J. Cavenaugh, Superintendent, British Honduras Police
        • 3 July Report by H. J. Cavenaugh, Superintendent, British Honduras Police
        • 4 July Report by H. J. Cavenaugh, Superintendent, British Honduras Police
        • 5 July Report by H. McDonald, Assistant Superintendent, British Honduras Police
        • 5 July Report of Interview with Marcus Garvey by Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras
      • ca. 1 October Rachel E. Butler to the Negro World
      • 1 October “Iconoclast” to the Workman
      • 4 October Circular Letter by Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • 15 August Lieutenant-Colonel Des Voeux, Officer Administering the Government, Bermuda, to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
        • 4 August Reverend Richard H. Tobitt to General James Willcocks, Governor, Bermuda
        • 25 July Reverend Richard H. Tobitt to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • ca. 8 October Article in the Negro World
      • 8 October Philip Van Putten of UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Branch No. 26 to the Negro World
      • 8 October R. H. Thompson to the Workman
      • 9 October P. E. Plunkett to the Negro World
      • ca. 10 October W. Stennett in the Negro World
      • 11 October Cyril V. Briggs to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 13 October W. Noel Robinson to William H. Ferris
      • 17 October Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps
        • ca. 30 September List of UNIA Members
      • 22 October Eduardo V. Morales to M. A. Figueroa, Spanish Section Editor, Negro World
      • 24 October R. M. R. Nelson to the Negro World
      • 25 October Ezel Vanderhorst, Secretary, UNIA Santo Domingo Division, to James Benjamin Yearwood, Assistant Secretary-General, UNIA
      • 28 October Lieutenant-Colonel William. C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps
        • 25 October Interview with John Sydney de Bourg
      • ca. 29 October Charles S. McKenye [McKenzie] to the Negro World
      • 31 October H. Leonard Ivey, Secretary, UNIA El Porvenir Division, to the Negro World
      • 31 October Letter from UNIA Penal Division No. 260 to the Officers and Members of the UNIA Roseau Division
      • 1 November C. K. Ledger, British Chargé d’Affaires, Santo Domingo, to Lieutenant-Colonel F. A. Ramsey, Officer in Charge, Department of Justice and Public Instruction
      • 5 November J. L. Linwood in the Negro World
      • 8 November Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy, to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
        • 2 November UNIA and ACL to Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy
      • 11 November Augustus Luis, President, UNIA St. Thomas Division, to the Negro World
      • 12 November Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to Ezel Vanderhorst, Secretary, UNIA Santo Domingo Division, et al.
      • ca. 20 November M. A. Labega to the Negro World
      • 23 November Article in the Panama Star and Herald
      • ca. 26 November F. Gregoire to the Negro World
      • 26 November Article in the Workman
      • ca. 26 November J. Gilman Horsford, Acting President, UNIA San Juan Division, to the Negro World
      • 1 December Samuel Percival Radway, et. al., to the District Attorney, Camagüey Provincial Court
      • 3 December Article in the Workman
      • ca. 10 December E. A. Scarlett, Third Vice-President, UNIA Morón Division, to the Negro World
      • 12 December John Sydney de Bourg to the Senatorial Commission of Inquiry for the Dominican Republic
        • ca. 12 December Report on U.S. Marine Corps in San Pedro de Macorís
        • ca. 12 December Statement of Zachariah Rawlins and David Hicks
        • ca. 12 December Statement of Joseph Welch
        • ca. 12 December Report on Treatment of UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division Members
        • 21 September Statement of Charge Brought Against UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division Members
        • 4 November Military Government Deportation Order
        • ca. 4 November Signatures and Addresses of Those Imprisoned
      • 13 December Attlee Pomerene, U.S. Senator, to John Sydney de Bourg
      • 16 December John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 17 December Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps
      • 19 December John Sydney de Bourg to Lieutenant-Commander R. M. Warfield, Commissioner, Department of Agriculture and Immigration
      • 20 December H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company, to Victor M. Cutter, Vice-President, United Fruit Company
      • 20 December Edward H. Bouello to the Negro World
      • 21 December J. R. Ralph Casimir to the Negro World
      • 29 December Statement of Joseph Thomas
      • 29 December Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marines Corps
        • 21 September Major G. M. Kincade, Provost Marshal, San Pedro de Macorís, to William C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic
      • 30 December Second Lieutenant James E. Whitmire, U.S. Marine Corps, to Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic
      • 31 December Telegram from Henry Clay von Struve, U.S. Consul, Antilla, to the Black Star Line
    • 1922
      • 3 January Richard S. Dunbar to the Negro World
      • 5 January “G. F. B.” in the Clarion
      • 5 January Eduardo V. Morales to the Negro World
      • 5 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps, to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
        • September 1921 African Blood Brotherhood Supreme Council Bulletin
      • 5 January Frederick G. A. Butler, Finance Officer, Foreign Office, to C. K. Ledger
        • 25 November 1921 John Sydney de Bourg to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • ca. 7 January I. Augustus Brown in the Negro World
      • 10 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Acting Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to the Department of Interior and Police
      • 14 January Lieutenant-Colonel F. A. Ramsey, Officer in Charge, Department of Justice and Public Instruction, to Fernando A. Brea, Procurador Fiscal [District Attorney], Macorís-Seybo Judicial District, San Pedro de Macorís
      • ca. 14 January Joseph E. Gadbsy to the Workman
      • 14 January Telegram from Marcus Garvey to Edgar West
      • 16 January Edgar W. Bridgewater, Reporting Secretary, UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division, to John Sydney de Bourg
      • 17 January Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de Macorís, to Fernando A. Brea, Procurador Fiscal [District Attorney], Macorís-Seybo Judicial District, San Pedro de Macorís
      • 18 January Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic, to Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marines Corps
      • 18 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Acting Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to J. I. Bowman
      • 18 January Juez Alcade [Town Judge], San Pedro de Macorís, to Fernando A. Brea, Procurador Fiscal [District Attorney], Macorís-Seybo Judicial District, San Pedro de Macorís
      • 19 January D. Erastus Thorpe, President, UNIA Tela Divison, to the Negro World
      • 19 January Fernando A. Brea, Procurador Fiscal [District Attorney], Macorís-Seybo Judicial District, San Pedro de Macorís, to Lieutenant-Colonel F. A. Ramsey, Officer in Charge, Department of Justice and Public Instruction
        • 19 January Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de Macorís Police, to Juan Félix Peguere, Governor of the Province, Santo Domingo
        • 19 January Report by Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de Macorís Police
      • 20 January Juan Félix Peguere, Governor of the Province, Santo Domingo, to Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de Macorís Police
      • 20 January Juez Alcalde [Town Judge], San Pedro de Macorís, to Juan Félix Peguere, Governor of the Province, Santo Domingo
      • 20 January Emiliano García B., Chief, San Pedro de Macorís Police, to Juan Félix Peguere, Governor of the Province, Santo Domingo
      • 26 January J. A. Keloo, Executive Secretary, UNIA Banes Division, to Eduardo V. Morales
      • 27 January A. B. C. in the Listín Diario
      • ca. 28 January Louis I. Gonzales to the Negro World
      • 28 January Editorial in the Workman
      • 31 January Brigadier General Harry Lee, Acting Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy
      • 31 January John Grayson-Carey, Charles A. Henry, and W. J. E. Butler, to John Sydney de Bourg
      • 4 February Oshbourne E. Moodie, UNIA Talamanca Valley Division, to the Negro World
      • 10 February S. J. Josephs to the Negro World
      • ca. 11 February J. R. Ralph Casimir to the Negro World
      • 11 February J. L. Barnes, President, UNIA Tampico Division, to the Negro World
      • 15 February “Civis Africanus” in the Negro World
      • ca. 18 February Amy Broaster, Emily Chandler, and Caroline Gray, UNIA Puerto Barrios and Los Amates Divisions, to the Negro World
      • 18 February John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
        • ca. 16 February Statement of Charges against John Sydney de Bourg
      • 20 February Mrs. Anthony, Acting General Secretary, UNIA St. Thomas Division, to the Negro World
      • 23 February John Sydney de Bourg to Warren G. Harding, U.S. President
      • 24 February Jabez L. Clarke, General Secretary, UNIA Havana Division, to Marcus Garvey
      • ca. 25 February Joseph Crooke to the Negro World
      • 25 February Article in the Workman
      • 27 February John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 28 February Agness Holness, Lady President, UNIA Havana Division, to Marcus Garvey
      • 6 March Petition from John Sydney de Bourg to Warren G. Harding, U.S. President
        • 16 February William C. Harllee, District Commander, Eastern District, Dominican Republic, to Major G. M. Kincade, Provost Marshal, San Pedor de Macorís
      • 9 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to John Sydney de Bourg
      • 11 March Article in the Workman
      • 13 March John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 14 March Report by Brigadier General Harry Lee, Commanding General, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps
      • 14 March W. L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, U. S. State Department, to William J. Burns, Director, Bureau of Investigation
        • 21 February William W. Russell to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 17 March John Sydney de Bourg to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 20 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, to the Department of Agriculture and Immigration
      • 21 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, to John Sydney de Bourg
      • 21 March Declaration by Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 22 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to John Sydney de Bourg
      • 23 March Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic, to Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Assistant Secretary, U.S. Navy
      • 29 March W. L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, U.S. State Department, to William J. Burns, Director, Bureau of Investigation
        • 9 March A. C. Frost, U.S. Consul, Guatemala City, to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
      • 31 March William J. Burns, Director, Bureau of Investigation, to W. L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, U.S. State Department
      • 6 April Colonel L. H. Moses, Officer Administering the Affairs of the Department of the Interior and Police, Dominican Republic, to Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, Military Governor, Dominican Republic
      • 8 April S. Philip to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 20 April Draft Letter from Winston S. Churchill Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana
        • ca. April Petition by Members of the UNIA British Guiana Division
      • 20 April H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • ca. 22 April Sidney L. M’Lean to Marcus Garvey
      • 25 April Minutes of UNIA Meetings in Panama City
      • 18 May H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 20 May Editorial in the Negro World
      • ca. 27 May Article in the Negro World
      • 31 May F. Gregoire to the Workman
      • 3 June Article by Casper Holstein, President, Virgin Islands Congressional Council, in the Negro World
      • ca. 10 June Article in the Negro World
      • ca. 17 June Gustavius Timothy Marigot in the Negro World
      • 17 June Mary Philip to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 17 June Mary Philip to the UNIA Roseau Division
      • 17 June Article in the Negro World
      • 24 June Poem by J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 6 July Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
      • 11 July José Martinez in the Negro World
      • 15 July Casper Holstein, President, Virgin Islands Congressional Council, in the Negro World
      • 15 July Antonio Beltrán Rentas to the Negro World
      • 17 July John Sydney de Bourg to Charles Evans Hughes, U.S. Secretary of State
        • 14 February U.S. Immigration Form
      • 21 July Enid H. Lamos, Corresponding Secretary, UNIA, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 25 July Lyllian M. Galloway, Manager, Universal Publishing House, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 28 July H. N. Huggins, President, UNIA St. Vincent Division, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 28 July Alfredo Prince, Ex-President, UNIA San Juan Division, to Enrique Colón Baerga, Editor, La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico
      • 30 July Article in the Savannah Tribune
      • 2 August Article in El Mundo
      • 5 August Casper Holstein, President, Virgin Islands Congressional Council, to the Negro World
      • 8 August E. G. Adams, Superintendent of Agriculture, United Fruit Company, Panama, to H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
      • 10 August Jaime A. Bishop, President, UNIA San Juan Division, to Romualdo Real, Editor, El Mundo
      • 12 August Article in the Central American Express
      • ca. 14 August Article in the Workman
      • 14 August Conrado Rosario, Secretary General, UNIA San Juan Division, to José Coll Vidal, Editor, La Democracia
      • 15 August J. D. W. Ross to the Negro World
      • 15 August Editorial in La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico
      • 15 August Editorial in La Democracia
      • 15 August Article in La Democracia
      • 16 August Jaime A. Bishop, President, UNIA San Juan Division, to Salvador Brau González, Editor, El Tiempo
      • 16 August Conrado Rosario, Secretary General, UNIA San Juan Division, to José Coll Vidal, Editor, La Democracia
      • 18 August J. Ananda to El Mundo
      • 22 August Article in La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico
      • 26 August Editorial in the Workman
      • 28 August E. E. Mair, Circulation Manager, Negro World, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
      • 31 August Article in the Labour Leader
      • ca. August Poem by Prince John
  • Index



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