Blacktino Queer Performance

Blacktino Queer Performance

  • Author: Johnson, E. Patrick; Rivera-Servera, Ramón H.
  • Publisher: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822360506
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822374657
  • Place of publication:  Durham , United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2016
  • Month: May
  • Pages: 584
  • Language: English
Staging an important new conversation between performers and critics, Blacktino Queer Performance approaches the interrelations of blackness and Latinidad through a stimulating mix of theory and art. The collection contains nine performance scripts by established and emerging black and Latina/o queer playwrights and performance artists, each accompanied by an interview and critical essay conducted or written by leading scholars of black, Latina/o, and queer expressive practices. As the volume's framing device, "blacktino" grounds the specificities of black and brown social and political relations while allowing the contributors to maintain the goals of queer-of-color critique. Whether interrogating constructions of Latino masculinity, theorizing the black queer male experience, or examining black lesbian relationships, the contributors present blacktino queer performance as an artistic, critical, political, and collaborative practice. These scripts, interviews, and essays not only accentuate the value of blacktino as a reading device; they radiate the possibilities for thinking through the concepts of blacktino, queer, and performance across several disciplines. Blacktino Queer Performance reveals the inevitable flirtations, frictions, and seductions that mark the contours of any ethnoracial love affair. 

Contributors. Jossiana Arroyo, Marlon M. Bailey, Pamela Booker, Sharon Bridgforth, Jennifer Devere Brody, Cedric Brown, Bernadette Marie Calafell, Javier Cardona, E. Patrick Johnson, Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, John Keene, Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, D. Soyini Madison, Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr., Andreea Micu, Charles I. Nero, Tavia Nyong'o, Paul Outlaw, Coya Paz, Charles Rice-González, Sandra L. Richards, Matt Richardson, Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, Celiany Rivera-Velázquez, Tamara Roberts, Lisa B. Thompson, Beliza Torres Narváez, Patricia Ybarra, Vershawn Ashanti Young

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: Ethnoracial Intimacies in Blacktino Queer Performance, E. Patrick Johnson and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
  • Part I
    • The love conjure/blues Text Installation, Sharon Bridgforth
    • 1. Reinventing the Black Southern Community in Sharon Bridgforth’s: The love conjure/blues Text Installation, Matt Richardson
    • 2. Interview with Sharon Bridgforth, Sandra L. Richards
  • Part II
    • Machos, Directed/developed by Coya Paz; created by Teatro Luna
    • 3. Voicing Masculinity, Tamara Roberts
    • 4. Interview with Coya Paz, Patricia Ybarra
  • Part III
    • Strange Fruit: A Performance about Identity Politics, E. Patrick Johnson
    • 5. Passing Strange: E. Patrick Johnson’s, Strange Fruit Jennifer DeVere Brody
    • 6. Interview with E. Patrick Johnson, Bernadette Marie Calafell
  • Part IV
    • Ah mén, Javier Cardona, translated by Andreea Micu and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
    • 7. Homosociality and Its Discontents: Puerto Rican Masculinities in Javier Cardona’s, Ah mén Celiany Rivera-Velázquez and Beliza Torres Narváez
    • 8. Interview with Javier Cardona, Jossianna Arroyo, translated by Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
  • Part V
    • Dancin’ the Down Low, Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr.
    • 9. Queering Black Identity and Desire: Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr.’s Dancin’ the Down Low, Lisa B. Thompson
    • 10. Interview with Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr., John Keene
  • Part VI
    • Cuban Hustle, Cedric Brown
    • 11. Love and Money: Performing Black Queer Diasporic Desire in Cuban Hustle, Marlon M. Bailey
    • 12. Interview with Cedric Brown, D. Soyini Madison
  • Part VII
    • Seens from the Unexpectedness of Love, Pamela Booker
    • 13. “Public Intimacy”: Women-Loving-Women as Dramaturgical Transgressions, Omi Osun Joni L. Jones
    • 14. Interview with Pamela Booker, Tavia Nyong’o
  • Part VIII
    • Berserker, Paul Outlaw
    • 15. What’s Nat Turner Doing Up in Here with All These Queers? Paul Outlaw’s Berserker; A Black Gay Meditation on Interracial Desire and Disappearing Blackness, Charles I. Nero
    • 16. Interview with Paul Outlaw, Vershawn Ashanti Young
  • Part IX
    • I Just Love Andy Gibb: A Play in One Act, Charles Rice-González
    • 17. Learning to Unlove Andy Gibb: Race, Beauty, and the Erotics of Puerto Rican Black Queer Pedagogy, Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes
    • 18. Interview with Charles Rice-González, Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
  • Contributors
  • Index



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