The Quality of Growth in Africa

The Quality of Growth in Africa

In recent years, concerns about the outcomes and nature of economic growth have given way to a new emphasis on its quality. This volume brings together prominent international contributors to consider a range of interrelated questions concerning the quality of growth in Africa, with a primary focus on sub-Saharan countries.

Contributors discuss the measurement of growth, the transformations necessary to sustain it, and issues around equity and well-being. They consider topics such as the distribution of income gains from growth; the extent to which economic growth has resulted in improvements in employment, poverty, and security; structural transformations of the economy and diversification of the sources of growth; environmental sustainability; and management of urbanization. Offering both diagnoses and prescriptions, The Quality of Growth in Africa helps envision a future that goes beyond increasing GDP to ensuring that growth translates into advancements in well-being. Although the book focuses on sub-Saharan Africa, much of the contributors’ incisive analysis has implications for countries outside the region.
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction. Quality of Growth in Africa: An Overview, by Ravi Kanbur, Akbar Noman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz
  • Part I. Gross Domestic Product, Equity, and Employment
    • 1. Beyond GDP: Measuring the Quality of Growth in Africa, by Lorenzo Fioramonti
    • 2. Recent African Growth Experience: Poverty, Equity, and Political Stability, by Andy McKay
    • 3. The Quality of Jobs and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Moazam Mahmood
  • Part II. Structural Transformation for Quality Growth
    • 4. New Global Rules, Policy Space, and Quality of Growth in Africa, by Antonio Andreoni, Ha-Joon Chang, and Isabel Estevez
    • 5. What Should Africa Learn from East Asian Development?, by Jomo Kwame Sundaram
    • 6. Economic Transformation for High-Quality Growth: Insights from International Cooperation, by Akio Hosono
  • Part III. Economic Transformation: Industrializing Agriculture, Complexity, and Global Value Chains
    • 7. Oranges Are Not Only Fruit: The Industrialization of Freshness and the Quality of Growth, by Christopher Cramer and John Sender
    • 8. Sub-Saharan Africa’s Manufacturing Sector: Building Complexity, by Haroon Bhorat, Ravi Kanbur, Christopher Rooney, and François Steenkamp
    • 9. A Generalized Linkage Approach to Local Production Systems Development in the Era of Global Value Chains, with Special Reference to Africa, by Antonio Andreoni
    • 10. (Re)shaping Markets for Inclusive Economic Activity: Competition and Industrial Policies Relating to Food Production in Southern Africa, by Simon Roberts
  • Part IV. Environment
    • 11. Climate Change and the Quality of Growth in Africa, by Ben Orlove
    • 12. Does Environmental Policy Make African Industry Less Competitive? The Possibilities in Green Industrial Policy, by Go Shimada
  • Part V. Urbanization
    • 13. Urbanization and the Quality of Growth in Africa, by Takyiwaa Manuh and Edlam Abera Yemeru
    • 14. Migrants, Towns, Poverty, and Jobs: Insights from Tanzania, by Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt, Bert Ingelaere, and Ravi Kanbur
    • 15. Distributing Benefits from Africa’s Urban Growth, by Gabriella Y. Carolini
  • Contributors
  • Index



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