The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XI

The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XI

The Caribbean Diaspora, 1910–1920

  • Auteur: Garvey, Marcus; Hill, Robert A.; Dixon, John; Rodriguez, Mariela Haro; Yuen, Anthony
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822346906
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822392729
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2011
  • Mois : Juillet
  • Pages: 1127
  • DDC: 305.8/96073
  • Langue: Anglais
With Volume XI: The Caribbean Diaspora, 1910–1920, Duke University Press proudly assumes publication of the final volumes of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers. This invaluable archival project documents the impact and spread of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), the organization founded by Marcus Garvey in 1914 and led by him until his death in 1940. Volume XI is the first to focus on the Caribbean, where the UNIA was represented by more than 170 divisions and chapters. Revealing the connections between the major African-American mass movement of the interwar era and the struggle of the Caribbean people for independence, this volume includes the letters, speeches, and writings of Caribbean Garveyites and their opponents, as well as documents and speeches by Garvey, newspaper articles, colonial correspondence and memoranda, and government investigative records. Volume XI covers the period from 1911, when a controversy was ignited in Limon, Costa Rica, in response to a letter that Garvey sent to the Limon Times, until 1920, when workers on the Panama Canal undertook a strike sponsored in part by the UNIA. The primary documents are extensively annotated, and the volume includes twenty-two critical commentaries on the territories covered in the book, from the Bahamas to Guatemala, and Haiti to Brazil. A trove of scholarly resources, Volume XI: The Caribbean Diaspora, 1910–1920 illuminates another chapter in the history of one the world’s most important social movements.

Praise for the Previous Volumes:
“The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers will take its place among the most important records of the Afro-American experience. . . . ‘The Marcus Garvey Papers’ lays the groundwork for a long overdue reassessment of Marcus Garvey and the legacy of racial pride, nationalism and concern with Africa he bequeathed to today’s black community.”—Eric Foner, the New York Times Book Review

“Until the publication of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, many of the documents necessary for a full assessment of Garvey’s thought or of his movement’s significance have not been easily accessible. Robert A. Hill and his staff . . . have gathered over 30,000 documents from libraries and other sources in many countries. . . . The Garvey papers will reshape our understanding of the history of black nationalism and perhaps increase our understanding of contemporary black politics.”—Clayborne Carson, the Nation

“Now is our chance, through these important volumes, to finally begin to come to terms with the significance of Garvey’s complex, fascinating career and the meaning of the movement he built.”—Lawrence W. Levine, the New Republic

  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • Contributing Scholars
  • Contents
  • Photographs
  • Illustrations
  • Maps
  • Acknowledgments
  • General Introduction
  • History of the Edition
  • Editorial Principles and Practices
  • Textual Devices
  • Symbols and Abbreviations
  • Chronology
    • The Bahamas
    • Barbados
    • Bermuda
    • Brazil
    • British Guiana (Guyana)
    • British Honduras (Belize)
    • Costa Rica
    • Cuba
    • Dominica
    • Dominican Republic
    • Grenada
    • Guatemala
    • Haiti
    • Honduras
    • Leeward Islands
    • Panama and the Canal Zone
    • Puerto Rico
    • St. Lucia
    • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • U.S. Virgin Islands
    • World War I
  • Report of a Pamphlet by Marcus Garvey
  • Essay by Niger in Our Own1
  • Vox Populi to the Daily Gleaner
  • Article in the Limón Times
  • Marcus Garvey to the Limón Times
  • “Dawnist” to the Limón Times
  • Editorial in the Limón Times
  • Editorial in the Limón Times
  • Editorial in the Limón Times
  • “Enid” to the Limón Times
  • “Gallo del Monte” to the Limón Times
  • “A Nation” to the Limón Times
  • Item in the Limón Times
  • Item in the Limón Times
  • Henry Hylton to the Limón Times
  • Item in the Limón Times
  • Item in the Limón Times
  • Henry Hylton to the Limón Times
  • Item in the Limón Times
  • Editorial in the Limón Times
  • Editorial in the Limón Times
  • Article in the Limón Times
  • Article in the Limón Times
  • Article in the Clarion
  • Item in the Clarion
  • Marcus Garvey to the Editor of the Clarion
  • Umbilla to the Jamaica Times
  • Umbilla to the Jamaica Times
  • Article in the Daily Gleaner
  • Article in the Daily Gleaner
  • Article in the Jamaica Times
  • Marcus Garvey in the African Times and Orient Review
  • Article in the Jamaica Times
  • Article in the Jamaica Times
  • Marcus Garvey in the Tourist
  • Article in the Daily Gleaner
  • W. G. Hinchcliffe1 to the Gleaner
  • Marcus Garvey to the Gleaner
  • Pamphlet by Marcus Garvey
  • Sir William Henry Manning, Governor, Jamaica, to Lewis Harcourt, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Marcus Garvey to Lewis Harcourt, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Report in the Christian Science Monitor
  • Article in the Gleaner
  • Article in the Gleaner
  • Article in the Daily Gleaner
  • Article in the New York News1
  • Robert Josias Morgan et al., to the Jamaica Times
  • Article in the Daily Gleaner
  • Marcus Garvey in Champion Magazine (Chicago)
  • Amy Ashwood1 to Marcus Garvey
  • Amy Ashwood to Marcus Garvey
  • Travers Buxton, Secretary, Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, to Walter Hines Page, U.S. Ambassador to Britain
    • Enclosure: Resolution by the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society
  • John H. Pilgrim, Secretary, National Association of Loyal Negroes, to the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society
  • Dusé Mohammed Ali, Editor, African Times and Orient Review, to Dillon C. Govin, Secretary, Association of Universal Loyal Negroes
  • Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Duke of Devonshire, Governor General, Canada
    • Enclosure: Circular Letter from Dillon C. Govin, Secretary, Association of Universal Loyal Negroes1
  • Duke of Devonshire, Governor General, Canada, to Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana
    • Enclosure: Dillon C. Govin, Secretary, Association of Universal Loyal Negroes, Montreal Branch, to J. B. Yearwood,1 Association of Universal Loyal Negroes
  • Robert Johnstone, Acting Colonial Secretary, Jamaica, to the Censor, Jamaica
    • Enclosure: Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Leslie Probyn,1 Governor, Jamaica
  • Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Claude Mallet, British Consul, Panama
  • U.S. Postal Censorship Report
  • Petition from John H. Pilgrim et al., National Association of Loyal Negroes, to Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
  • Claude Mallet, British Consul, Panama, to Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
  • U.S. Postal Censorship Report
  • Claude Mallet, British Consul, Panama, to Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
    • Enclosure: Resolutions by the UNIA and African Communities League
  • U.S. Postal Censorship Report
  • U.S. Postal Censorship Report
  • Augustus Duncan, Executive Secretary, West Indian Protective Society, to the St. Vincent Times
  • John H. Pilgrim, Director of Research, National Association of Loyal Negroes, to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
    • Enclosure: John H. Pilgrim, Director of Research, National Association of Loyal Negroes, to W. E. B. Du Bois and R. R. Moton
  • Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
    • Enclosure: B. B. Cubitt,1 Assistant Under Secretary of State, War Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Letter from Major-General Henry Fleetwood Thuillier,1 General Commanding Officer, Taranto
    • Enclosure: Major Maxwell Smith, Commanding Officer, Eighth British West Indies Regiment, to Major-General Henry Fleetwood Thuillier, General Commanding Officer, Taranto
    • Enclosure: Report on Caribbean League Meeting
    • Enclosure: B. B. Cubitt, Assistant Under Secretary of State, War Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Letter to the Daily Chronicle1
  • W. H. Simpson to Marcus Garvey
  • Mary White Ovington, Acting Chairman, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to John H. Pilgrim, Director of Research, National Association of Loyal Negroes
  • W. E. Allen, Acting Chief, Bureau of Investigation, to William M. Offley, Superintendent, Bureau of Investigation New York Division
    • Enclosure: U.S. Postal Censorship Report
  • Robert Walter, Officer Administering the Government, British Honduras, to Rufus Isaacs, British Ambassador to the United States
  • Robert Walter, Officer Administering the Government, British Honduras, to Rufus Isaacs, British Ambassador to the United States
  • Letter to the Negro World
  • Claude Mallet, British Consul, Panama, to Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Foreign Office
    • Enclosure: Petition from the Association of Universal Loyal Negroes
    • Enclosure: Appendix to Petition from the Association of Universal Loyal Negroes
    • Enclosure: Appendix to Petition from the Association of Universal Loyal Negroes
  • Paraphrase Telegram from Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
  • Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
    • Enclosure: J. A. Corcoran,1 Assistant Secretary of State, War Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Major-General H. L. Alexander,1 General Headquarters, to the Secretary, War Office
    • Enclosure: Major-General Henry Fleetwood Thuillier, General Commanding Officer, Taranto, to General Headquarters
    • Enclosure: Major Maxwell Smith, Commanding Officer, Eighth British West Indies Regiment, to Major-General Henry Fleetwood Thuillier, General Commanding Officer, Taranto
  • William L. Allardyce, Governor, Bahamas, to Admiral Morgan Singer, Commander in Chief, Bermuda
  • U.S. Postal Censorship Report
  • Article in the West Indian
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • William L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, U.S. Department of State, to L. Lanier Winslow, Office of the Counselor, U.S. Department of State
    • Enclosure: National Association of Loyal Negroes to the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society
  • Military Representative, Executive Postal Censorship Committee, New York, to Brigadier General Marlborough Churchill, Director, U.S. Military Intelligence Division
    • Enclosure: Edgar McCarthy, Secretary, UNIA Colon Division, to the General Secretary, UNIA and ACL
    • Enclosure: List of Members of the UNIA Colon Division
  • Article in the West Indian
  • Article in L’Essor Quotidien
  • Letter to the Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Eliézer Cadet to David Lloyd George, Prime Minister
  • Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Foreign Office, to Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
  • Article in the Daily Chronicle
  • Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office, to Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Foreign Office
  • George E. Chamberlin, U.S. Consul, British Guiana, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
    • Enclosure: George Ball-Greene, Acting Colonial Secretary, British Guiana, to George E. Chamberlin, U.S. Consul, British Guiana
  • Cecil Clementi, Officer Administering the Government, British Guiana, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Editorial in L’Essor Quotidien
  • George E. Chamberlin, U.S. Consul, British Guiana, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
    • Enclosure: B. H. Bayley,1 Acting Assistant Colonial Secretary, British Guiana, to George E. Chamberlin, U.S. Consul, British Guiana
  • Arden A. Bryan to the Negro World
  • William M. Gordon, Acting Governor, Trinidad, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Aucher Warner,1 Attorney General, Trinidad, to William M. Gordon, Acting Governor, Trinidad
    • Enclosure: William M. Gordon, Acting Governor, Trinidad, to Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana
  • “Marshall”1 to James Wilson
  • Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Foreign Office, to Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
    • Enclosure: Edmund D. Watt, British Legation, Haiti, to Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
    • Enclosure: William Henry Pauton Gibbons to King George V
  • Article in the Chicago Defender
  • Article in the Negro World
  • Paraphrase Telegram from Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
  • Article in the Daily Chronicle
  • William Stoute to Marcus Garvey, Managing Editor, Negro World
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • R. E. M. Jack to the St. Vincent Times
  • Address by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Barbadian Planters
  • Eyre Hutson,1 Governor, British Honduras, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Memorandum by Robert Walter, Acting Governor, British Honduras
    • Enclosure: Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras, to George O’Donnell Walton, Acting Chief Justice, British Honduras
    • Enclosure: George O’Donnell Walton, Acting Chief Justice, British Honduras, to Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras
  • Sergeant-Major Henry James Geen, Leeward Islands Police, to the Acting Inspector, St. Kitts-Nevis Police
  • Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent, to George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands3
  • Memorandum by Sergeant Thomas Foley, Panama Canal Zone Police, to Captain Guy Johannes, Chief, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division
  • J. Rodriguez Tamayo, Assistant Superintendent, Baraguá Sugar Company, to William E. Gonzales, U.S. Minister to Cuba
  • George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands, to Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent
  • Article in the Daily Argosy
  • William E. Gonzales, U.S. Minister to Cuba, to Juan Montalvo y Morales, Secretary of Government, Cuba
  • William E. Gonzales, U.S. Minister to Cuba, to J. Rodriguez Tamayo, Assistant Superintendent, Baraguá Sugar Company
  • Reuben Holder to the Negro World
  • Amy Ashwood Letter in the Negro World
  • Cecil Clementi, Officer Administering the Government, British Guiana, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent, to George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands
  • J. H. Seymour, UNIA Colon Division, to the Workman
  • Hermon L. A. Thompson to the Inter-Colonial Supply Company
  • Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to H. E. W. Grant, Officer Administering the Government, Bahamas
  • Gilbert E. A. Grindle, Assistant Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Major John R. Chancellor, Governor, Trinidad
    • Enclosure: William M. Gordon, Acting Governor, Trinidad, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: G. H. May, Inspector General of Constabulary, Trinidad, to William M. Gordon, Acting Colonial Secretary, Trinidad
    • Enclosure: Report by Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell Smith, Dispersal Area Commandant, Trinidad, to the Commandant of Local Forces, Trinidad
    • Enclosure: William M. Gordon, Acting Governor, Trinidad, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: George F. Huggins et al., to William M. Gordon, Acting Colonial Secretary, Trinidad
    • Enclosure: Report by G. H. May, Inspector General of Constabulary, Trinidad, to William M. Gordon, Acting Colonial Secretary, Trinidad
  • Dorris Francis, Secretary, UNIA Colon Ladies Division, to the Dispatch
  • Geo. M. Du Sauzay to the Workman
  • Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State, to Albert S. Burleson, U.S. Postmaster General
    • Enclosure: E. B. Montgomery, U.S. Vice- Consul-in-Charge, Costa Rica, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • John S. Johnson to the Daily Chronicle
  • A. L. Flint, Chief of Office, Panama Canal Company, to Frank Burke, Assistant Director and Chief, Bureau of Investigation
  • Frank Burke, Assistant Director and Chief, Bureau of Investigation, to A. L. Flint, Chief of Office, Panama Canal Company
  • Chester Harding, Governor, Panama Canal Zone, to Acting Chief Quarantine Officer, Balboa Heights, Panama Canal Zone
  • Report of Court of Policy Debate on Seditious Publications Bill
  • Publication of St. Vincent Government Gazette
  • George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands, in the West Indian
  • Dorris Francis, Secretary, UNIA Colon Ladies Division, to the Workman1
  • Secretary of the Admiralty to George V. Fiddes, Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer,1 Commander in Chief, North America and the West Indies, to the Secretary of the Admiralty
  • Samuel Kress, Assistant Superintendent, United Fruit Company, Costa Rica Division, to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company
  • Anderson Joseph to the Negro World
  • George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Albert S. Burleson, U.S. Postmaster General, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • A. L. Flint, Chief of Office, Panama Canal Company, to Frank Burke, Assistant Director and Chief, Bureau of Investigation
    • Enclosure: Chester Harding, Governor, Panama Canal Zone, to A. L. Flint, Chief of Office, Panama Canal Company
    • Enclosure: Clipping from the Panama Star and Herald
  • Jasmine Tavanier, Treasurer, UNIA Ladies Division, to the Workman
  • Horatio N. Huggins and 374 Others, Stubbs District, St. Vincent, to George Basil Haddon- Smith, Governor, Windward Islands
  • Richard A. Bennett and Others to Marcus Garvey
  • “Blackie” to the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • Editorial in the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • “Strolling Scribbler” in the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • Dave Davidson, Vice President, UNIA St. Thomas Division, to the Negro World
  • “A Grenadian” to the West Indian
  • Article in the Dispatch
  • Article in the Dispatch
  • E. Theo Phillip to the Negro World
  • R. E. M. Jack to the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Cecil Clementi, Officer Administering the Government, British Guiana
  • B. Jemmott to the Negro World
    • Enclosure: Article in the Dispatch
  • R. E. M. Jack to Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent, and George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands
  • Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent, to R. E. M. Jack
  • Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent, to Horatio N. Huggins, Stubbs District, St. Vincent
  • Editorial in the West Indian
  • J. A. H. Thor[n]e to Marcus Garvey
  • Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State, to Albert S. Burleson, U.S. Postmaster General
    • Enclosure: Henry D. Baker,1 U.S. Consul, Trinidad, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • Article in the Port of Spain Gazette
  • Editorial in the West Indian
  • Editorial in the West Indian
  • Richard A. Bennett and Others to Marcus Garvey
  • Article by George M. Du Sauzay in the Dispatch
  • Joseph H. Bonney in the Negro World
  • William Phillips, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State, to Albert S. Burleson, U.S. Postmaster General
    • Enclosure: Walter S. Penfield to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
    • Enclosure: Nathaniel H. Hibbert to Luís Garcia, Governor, Limón
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Memorandum by Arthur W. Kennedy, Inspector, Panama Canal Zone Police, to Captain Guy Johannes, Chief, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division
  • Article in the Negro World
  • John E. Banton to the Negro World
  • A. McNaught, Ex-Sergeant, Sixth British West Indies Regiment, to the Negro World
  • Clement M. Clarke to the Negro World
  • Article in the Workman
  • H. J. Donnelly, Acting Solicitor, U.S. Post Office, to Walter S. Penfield
  • Article in the West Indian
  • Edward D. Smith-Green, Secretary, Black Star Line, to Osiris de Bourg
  • Article in the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • Richard A. Bennett to the Negro World
  • William L. Allardyce, Governor, Bahamas, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company, to Victor M. Cutter, Vice President, United Fruit Company
  • R. E. M. Jack to Reginald Popham Lobb, Administrator, St. Vincent
  • R. E. M. Jack in the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • S. W. Heald, Superintendent, Panama Railroad Company, to R. B. Walker, Receiving and Forwarding Agent, Panama Railroad Company
    • Enclosure: Memorandum by L. L. Gilkey, Labor Inspector, Panama Canal Zone Executive Department
    • Enclosure: F. S. Ricketts et al. to Chester Harding, Governor, Panama Canal Zone
  • William L. Allardyce, Governor, Bahamas, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Article in L’Essor Quotidien
  • Article in the West Indian
  • R. B. Walker, Receiving and Forwarding Agent, Panama Railroad Company, to S. W. Heald, Superintendent, Panama Railroad Company
  • S. W. Heald, Superintendent, Panama Railroad Company, to R. B. Walker, Receiving and Forwarding Agent, Panama Railroad Company
    • Enclosure: Chester Harding, Governor, Panama Canal Zone, to F. S. Ricketts et al.
  • Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
  • Ellen Joshua in the Workman
  • “Truth” in the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • Article in the Trinidad Guardian
  • H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company, to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company
  • United Fruit Company Report
  • George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company, to H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
  • George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company, to H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
  • H. K. F. to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company, and H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
  • Henry D. Baker, U.S. Consul, Trinidad, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • Cyril Henry, Assistant Treasurer, Black Star Line, to the Negro World
  • Article in the Workman
  • Memorandum by the Boarding Officer, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division, to Lawrence W. Callaway, District Commander, Panama Canal Zone Police
  • Peter E. Batson to the Negro World
  • Fred D. Powell, General Secretary, UNIA New York Division, to the Negro World
  • Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
    • Enclosure: Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica, to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company
    • Enclosure: George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company, to Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica
    • Enclosure: Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica, to Luís García, Governor, Limón
    • Enclosure: Luís García, Governor, Limón, to Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica
  • George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company, to Victor M. Cutter, Vice President, United Fruit Company
    • Enclosure: H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company, to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company
  • Henry D. Baker, U.S. Consul, Trinidad, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • Article in the Panama Star and Herald
  • Henry D. Baker, U.S. Consul, Trinidad, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • Luís García, Governor, Limón, to Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica
    • Enclosure: Carlos U. Jiménez, Costa Rica Department of Government and Police, to Stewart E. McMillin, U.S. Consul, Costa Rica
  • Leopold S. Amery, Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
  • Paraphrase Telegram from Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’ Brien, Governor, Barbados
  • Address by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Barbados Employers
  • Cablegram from S. W. Heald, Superintendent, Panama Railroad Company
  • Article in the Panama Star and Herald
  • Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
    • Enclosure: Secretary of State to William L. Allardyce, Governor, Bahamas
  • M. C. O’Hearn, General Agent, United Fruit Company, to H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company
  • British Cabinet Report
  • Report by A. D. Russell on the Enquiry into Disturbances in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
  • Article in the Workman
  • D. H. O’Connor, UNIA Colon Division, to the Workman
  • Sanchez Gonzales, Provincial Governor, San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic, to Philip Van Putten, President, UNIA San Pedro de Macorís Division
  • E. R. White, Acting Second Assistant Postmaster General, to the Solicitor, U.S. Post Office
  • Pledge Signed by Francis Louis Gardier et al.
  • Augustus Duncan, Executive Secretary, West Indian Protective Society, to the Governor, St. Vincent
  • Article in the West Indian
  • Article in the West Indian
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • “Etta” [Marie Duchatellier] to John E. Bruce
  • Article in the Workman
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Article in the Dominica Guardian
  • Article in the Workman
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Editorial in the Dominica Guardian
  • Article in the Workman
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Leopold S. Amery, Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
    • Enclosure: Gilbert E. A. Grindle, Assistant Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office
    • Enclosure: Augustus Duncan, Executive Secretary, West Indian Protective Society, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Unsigned Letter to Victor M. Cutter, Vice President, United Fruit Company
  • Editorial in the Daily Argosy
  • George N. Caterson to the Workman
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • By-Laws of the “Universal Improvement Association and Communities League” Society, Havana, Cuba
  • William L. Hurley, Office of the Under Secretary, U.S. Department of State, to Frank Burke, Assistant Director and Chief, Bureau of Investigation
    • Enclosure: Henry D. Baker, U.S. Consul, Trinidad, to Robert Lansing, U.S. Secretary of State
  • Rowland Sperling, Assistant Secretary, Foreign Office, to R. C. Lindsay, Counsellor, British Embassy, Washington, D.C.
  • Articles in the Daily Chronicle
  • J. R. Ralph Casimir to Edward D. Smith-Green, Secretary, Black Star Line
  • Wilfred Bennett Davidson-Houston, Administrator, St. Lucia, to George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands
    • Enclosure: Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Deane, Chief, St. Lucia Police, to Wilfred Bennett Davidson-Houston, Administrator, St. Lucia
  • Major Norman Randolph, Department Intelligence Officer, Panama Canal Zone, to the Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Military Intelligence Division, Washington, D.C.
  • Thomas F. Murphy, Assistant U.S. Postmaster, to the Negro World
  • Article in the Evening News
  • Report by Major Norman Randolph, Department Intelligence Officer, Panama Canal Zone
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Report by Major Norman Randolph, Department Intelligence Officer, Panama Canal Zone
  • Marcus Garvey to the Governor, British Guiana
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Article in the Clarion
  • Henry D. Baker, U.S. Consul, Trinidad, to the U.S. Secretary of State
  • Article in the Daily Chronicle
  • Memorandum by R. Carter to Captain Guy Johannes, Chief, Panama Canal Zone Police and Fire Division
  • Maurice Peterson, British Embassy, Washington, D.C., to Frederick Watson, British Consulate General, New York
  • Weekly Situation Survey by U.S. Military Intelligence Division
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • Article in the West Indian
  • Frederick Watson, British Consulate General, New York, to Maurice Peterson, British Embassy, Washington D.C.
  • R. C. Lindsay, Counsellor, British Embassy, Washington, D.C., to Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Secretary of State, Foreign Office
    • Enclosure: R. C. Lindsay, Counsellor, British Embassy, Washington, D.C., to Leslie Probyn, Governor, Jamaica
  • Vice-Admiral T. D. W. Napier, Commander in Chief, Bermuda, to the Secretary of the Admiralty
  • J. R. Ralph Casimir to the Editors of the Emancipator
  • Edward D. Smith-Green, Secretary, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
  • Frederick Watson, British Consulate General, New York, to Maurice Peterson, British Embassy, Washington, D.C.
  • V. P. M. Langton to the Crusader
  • “J. U. G.” to the Crusader
  • Article in the Negro World
  • General James Willcocks, Governor, Bermuda, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • H. S. Blair, Division Manager, United Fruit Company, to George P. Chittenden, General Manager, United Fruit Company
  • Article in the Negro World
  • Major John R. Chancellor, Governor, Trinidad, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Report by Aucher Warner, Attorney General, Trinidad, on the Seditious Publications Ordinance
  • Wilfred Collet, Governor, British Guiana, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Edward M. Merewether, Governor, Leeward Islands, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Harry Gloster Armstrong,1 British Consul General, New York, to Edward M. Merewether, Governor, Leeward Islands
  • Article in the Afro-American
  • Article in the Emancipator
  • Samuel A. Haynes, General Secretary, UNIA British Honduras Division, to Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras
  • H. D. Curry, Private Secretary to the Governor, British Honduras, to Samuel A. Haynes, General Secretary, UNIA British Honduras Division
  • Samuel A. Haynes, General Secretary, UNIA British Honduras Division, to Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras
  • Article in the Workman
  • J. R. Ralph Casimir in the Negro World
  • Marcus Garvey in the Negro World
  • Article in the Clarion
  • Article in the Negro World
  • Article in the Negro World
  • “C. M. S.” in the Belize Independent
  • Vice-Admiral T. D. W. Napier, Commander in Chief, Bermuda, to the Secretary of the Admiralty
  • C. W. Dixon, Principal Clerk, Colonial Office, to the Secretary of the Admiralty
    • Enclosure: George Basil Haddon-Smith, Governor, Windward Islands, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • Article in the Workman
  • Article in the Negro World
  • Samuel A. Haynes, General Secretary, UNIA British Honduras Division, to the Clarion
  • Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
  • Reports of Mass Meetings against Passage of the Seditious Ordinance Legislation
  • Kenneth Solomon, Acting Attorney General, Bahamas, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
  • Sergeant J. S. Straun, Leeward Islands Police, and J. H. Bryan, Constable, Leeward Islands Police, to Major W. E. Wilders, Inspector, Leeward Islands Police
  • Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office, to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados
  • Sergeant-Major Henry James Geen, Leeward Islands Police, to Major W. E. Wilders, Inspector, Leeward Islands Police
  • J. R. Ralph Casimir to Marcus Garvey
  • Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
  • Doris A. Richardson, UNIA Colon Division, to the Workman
  • Article in the Negro World
  • V. P. M. Langston to the Crusader
  • British Cabinet Office Report on St. Lucia
  • “Marshall” to James Wilson
  • William Walter Hendy to the Workman
  • William Stoute to the Workman
  • Sergeant-Major Henry James Geen, Leeward Islands Police, to Major W. E. Wilders, Inspector, Leeward Islands Police
  • Lieutenant-Corporal Frank D. Kelly, Bahamas, to Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police
  • Marcus Garvey to J. R. Ralph Casimir
  • Executive Council Minutes, St. Vincent
    • Enclosure: St. Vincent Order in Council
  • Article in the Negro World
  • Eyre Hutson, Governor, British Honduras, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
  • J. R. Ralph Casimir to Anthony Crawford
  • Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
    • Enclosure: Lieutenant-Corporal Frank D. Kelly, Bahamas, to Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police
  • Miss W. P. to the Editor of the Negro World
  • Edward D. Smith-Green, Secretary, Black Star Line, to J. R. Ralph Casimir
  • Editorial in the Herald
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, to Viscount Milner, Secretary of State, Colonial Office
    • Enclosure: Report on the UNIA by C. H. R., Acting Inspector General, Barbados Police
  • William P. Garrety, U.S. Consul, Honduras, to Bainbridge Colby, U.S. Secretary of State
  • Report of Legislative Council Meeting1 in the St. Lucia Gazette
  • Luc Dorsinville to the Crusader
  • Article in the Daily Chronicle
  • Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
    • Enclosure: Lieutenant-Corporal Frank D. Kelly, Bahamas, to Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police
  • Report by J. R. Ralph Casimir
  • Filogenes Maillard to the Negro World
  • Charles Osborn Anderson, Postmaster, Bahamas, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
  • “Black” to the Negro World
  • Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police, to F. C. Wells-Durrant, Acting Colonial Secretary, Bahamas
    • Enclosure: Lieutenant-Corporal Frank D. Kelly, Bahamas, to Major E. E. Turner, Commandant, Bahamas Police
  • Article in the Barbados Weekly Illustrated Paper
  • Report by John M. Russell, First Provisional Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps, to the U.S. Department of State
  • Edward M. Merewether, Governor, Leeward Islands, to John Alder Burdon, Administrator, St. Kitts-Nevis
  • Sergeant-Major Henry James Geen, Leeward Islands Police, to Major W. E. Wilders, Inspector, Leeward Islands Police
  • Sergeant-Major Henry James Geen, Leeward Islands Police, to Major W. E. Wilders, Inspector, Leeward Islands Police
  • Article in the Central American Express
  • Editorial in the Dominica Guardian
  • Memorandum by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles O’Brien, Governor, Barbados, in Reply to Query Regarding the Race Question
  • D. E. Nanuthon-Smith to the Crusader
  • J. R. Ralph Casimir to Edward D. Smith-Green, Secretary, Black Star Line
  • Article in the Jamaica Times
  • Appendix
    • Table 1: West Indian Emigrants in the U.S., 1900–1930
    • Table 2: Origins of West Indian Emigrants in New York City, 1920
    • Table 3: Origins of Male Participants in UNIA, 1917–1920
    • Table 4: Origins of Female Participants in UNIA, 1917–1920
  • Index



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