Tar Heel State

Tar Heel State

A New History of North Carolina

  • Auteur: Ready, Milton
  • Éditeur: University of South Carolina Press
  • ISBN: 9781643360980
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781643360997
  • Lieu de publication:  South Carolina , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2020
  • Mois : Novembre
  • DDC: 975.6
  • Langue: Anglais

When first released in 2005, The Tar Heel State was celebrated as a comprehensive contribution to North Carolina's historical record. In this revised edition historian Milton Ready brings the text up to date, sharpens his narrative on the periods surrounding the American Revolution and the Civil War and offers new chapters on the 1920s; World War II and the 1950s; and the confrontation between Jim Hunt, North Carolina's longest-serving governor, and Jesse Helms, a transformational, if controversial, political presence in the state for more than thirty years.

Ready's distinctive view of the state's history integrates tales of famous pioneers, statesmen, soldiers, farmers, and captains of industry; as well as community leaders with often-marginalized voices, including those of African Americans, women, and the LGBTQ+ community that have roiled North Carolina for decades.

This beautifully illustrated volume gives readers a view of North Carolina that encompasses perspectives from the coast, the Tobacco Road region, the Piedmont, and the mountains. From the civil rights struggle to the building of research triangles, triads, and parks, Ready recounts the people, events, and dramatic demographic shifts since the 1990s, as well as the state's role in the rise of modern political conservatism and subsequent emergence as a modern megastate. In a concluding chapter Ready assesses the current state of North Carolina, noting the conflicting legacies of progressivism and conservatism that continue to influence the state's political, social, and cultural identities.

  • Cover
  • The Tar Heel State
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Preface to the Revised Edition
  • Acknowledgments
  • Part One Colonial and Early North Carolina History
    • One The Great Rift: The Geography and Geology of North Carolina
    • Two First Contacts between Native Americans and Europeans, 1585–1712
    • Three A Chartered Chaos: North Carolina under the Proprietors, 1663–1729
    • Four A Mosaic of Colonial North Carolina, 1663–1771
    • Five Slavery and Servitude in Early North Carolina, 1663–1861
  • Part Two Revolution and the New State
    • Six The Regulator Rebellion and the Coming of the Revolution in North Carolina, 1763–1776
    • Seven The First Civil War in North Carolina: The American Revolution, 1776–1781
    • Eight The Rip Van Winkle State, 1781–1835
    • Nine Antebellum North Carolina, 1815–1856
  • Part Three The Civil War and Reconstruction
    • Ten A State of Indecision: North Carolina Enters the Civil War, 1858–1863
    • Eleven Ebb Tide of the Confederacy in North Carolina, 1863–1865
    • Twelve Reconstruction in North Carolina, 1865–1871
    • Thirteen Trains, Towns, Textiles, and Tobacco: North Carolina’s Emergence as a New South State, 1881–1910
  • Part Four Political Reform
    • Fourteen The Farmer’s Last Stand, 1881–1901
    • Fifteen North Carolina’s Brand of Southern Progressivism, 1881–1921
    • Sixteen North Carolina in the 1920s: The Great Divide
    • Seventeen The 1930s: New Deals and Old Politics in North Carolina
  • Part Five Civil Rights and Conservative Reactions
    • Eighteen World War II and the 1950s: When Terry, Jesse, John, and Westray Came Marching Home
    • Nineteen When Everything Changed: The Civil Rights Struggle in North Carolina, 1960–1972
    • Twenty Jesse Helms, Jim Hunt, and the Rise of Modern Conservatism in North Carolina, 1972–1984
  • Part Six Modern North Carolina
    • Twenty-One Triads, Triangles, and Parks: The Urbanization of North Carolina
    • Twenty-Two The End of an Era, 1984–2003
    • Twenty-Three A Modern Megastate
  • Epilogue: North Carolina’s Uncertain Future
  • Appendix A: North Carolina Population by Race–Ethnicity, 1900–2017
  • Appendix B: 1860 Census Showing Slave Totals by States
  • Appendix C: Civil War Deaths by States
  • Appendix D: List of US States by Educational Achievement, 2011–2015
  • Index



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